"Sophie's Feldenkrais classes give me the confidence that despite minor knee and shoulder injuries my body can still function well. As an older woman I see the practice as being one for all ages "
Rose BeauchampPianist and performer
Anyone can work with Feldenkrais Method, no matter what age or physical condition. The method uses improving our movement and perception as the basis for change and development. Because humans are singular systems that are always moving, sensing, thinking, having feelings, and acting in relation to their environment, raising the level of function in any one of those areas then raises the level of function of the whole system.
In individual sessions, called Functional Integration®, I use gentle touch, movement and ways of directing attention and enhancing perception, to send new information to the brain and nervous system. This process restores or creates new neural connections, improves sensory-motor and neuromuscular functioning and creates new possibilities for perception and movement. People find that developing more choice and awareness in how they move and perceive improves the quality of their lived experience. Sessions are generally done lying down or sitting, fully clothed, and last approximately 50 minutes. In group classes and workshops I use Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lessons to guide groups through the same processes of change and learning as described for the individual sessions. Instead of using touch, participants are verbally guided through a series of gentle movement explorations designed to improve how we move and perceive. I frame these lessons and workshops within different contexts for different groups, including lessons and workshops for the general public and specialist groups.
“My experience with Sophie's teaching of Feldenkrais changed how I connect with the world. I felt enlightened. I became so much more aware of my body, which changed how I moved and sang and enabled me to be freer, more confident and happy. “
Sophie, Singer and songwriter
“Feldenkrais helped transform the way I look at everyday movement. It raised my awareness and offered alternatives that created greater ease. Sophie facilitated the sessions with grace and humour.”
Emily, Post office employee
“This was my first experience of Feldenkrais and one that I highly recommend. Sophie’s teaching method allowed us the time to notice how we move and to notice how moving in another way works better for our body. This was invaluable. I also had great sleep each night of her class, as my workday tense muscles had changed into a relaxed state.”
Ruth, Project Co-ordinator
“I remember clearly my first class, which Sophie conducted with ease and grace. I had just read a few books by Moshe Feldenkrais at that point and having a keen interest in his work Sophie’s classes and facilitation was the perfect introduction to his philosophy and practice. They are still a point of study for me at the moment in my own investigation into movement, attitudes and awareness.”
Isaac , Foreign music instructor at Musicmatters, Sri Lanka
Email: sophie@movement-works.com Phone: +43 (0)670 404 72 23
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